TradeTech Connect 2025


Julia Streets

Chief Executive Officer Streets Consulting

Julia Streets is the founder & CEO of Streets Consulting representing a wide range of financial services and technology firms from right across the capital markets. 
Her career has included senior executive positions at Atos Euronext Market Solutions and Instinet Europe.   A fintech and tech evangelist, Julia is a SWIFT Innotribe judge, Accenture Fintech Innovation Lab and Cognicity ‘Smart Cities’ mentor and is a fintech commentator in her own right.  Brummel Magazine named her one of their ‘Inspirational Women on Boards’ and ‘Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs’, she was named one of Innovate Finance’s Women in FinTech this year and is currently featured in Microsoft’s global ‘#DoMore’ instagram campaign.  Julia is proud to serve as a trustee of the charity Children in Crisis that seeks to improve the lives  of children and their communities in some of the world’s most remote, post-conflict territories. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Julia.

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